Comunidad El Cedral Tarrazu

كوميونيداد إل سيدرال تارازو

Tarrazú is a canton in the province of San José in Costa Rica, just south of the capital. The region lives by and for coffee production and export. During harvest season, the Tarrazú region sees its population grow threefold with the influx of seasonal workers. Many people’s income largely depends on coffee production along the Pirris River basin. The hilly landscape is drained by an important river network, formed by the Pirris, Naranjo and Damas rivers. Soils in the area are of volcanic, sedimentary nature and are rather acidic.
The main varieties grown in the Tarrazu region are Catuai and Caturra, grown at altitudes around 1500 meters. Climatic conditions in the area are ideal as well – Tarrazu has two well- defined seasons, needed for high-quality coffee: a rainy season from May to November and a dry season from December to April. The May rains spur a massive flowering after a period of dryness. Harvest coincides with the dry season

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    Process: Washed
    Variety: Catuai, Caturra
    Cupping Score: 84.5
    Weight: 69kg Bag
    Notes: Cacao Nibs, Caramel, Brown Spice, Peach