Caixas de Frutas

سايكسا دي فروتاس

Caixa De Frutas means : fruits box
Caixa De Frutas is grown by smallholders working together in the Cocatrel Coop, a cooperative dedicated to supporting independent Brazilian coffee growers and producing incredible coffee.
The coffee is picked, sorted and dried in static drying boxes with the fruit and skin of the cherry intact.
As the fruit of the coffee cherries ferments, complex fruit flavours and intense sweetness seep into the coffee beans. The resulting coffee has plenty of body and intense sweetness, creating delicious dark cherry flavours in the cup.
Once dry, the coffee is milled to remove the mucilage and husks from the coffee beans before being sorted and graded.

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    Process: Natural
    Variety: Topazio
    Cupping Score: 84.5
    Weight: 60kg Bag
    Notes: Cacao Nibs, Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Roasted Hazelnut